How busy is the studio?
This chart will show how busy the studio is at any given time.
You can also download the app, which will show how many people are currently in the gym. As each member scans their key fob to come in, it will record the current members inside.
Scroll down for complete calendars with all events and classes.
This calendar can be used to register directly into any Flipped Pot event. It displays events by the week, but feel free to skip to dates you’re interested in. It does not show successive dates of the same class, but only the first date to use for registration.
This calendar shows all the events happening at the Flipped Pot. This includes classes, tours, special events (both public and member-only). Feel free to follow and add this google calendar to your apps by following, or using this link.
Any classes labeled as throwing would mean the throwing wheels are closed for the duration of the class. The rest of the studio will always remain open.
Handbuilding classes, such as Ceramics 101, do not close the studio, but use two back tables in the front room.